Black and white image of mountain

Journey Beyond

Psychologist-Led, Psychedelic-Assisted Transformations.



"Psychedelics can facilitate a profound sense of interconnectedness and oneness, reminding us that we are all part of a larger cosmic tapestry and inviting us to live more harmoniously with ourselves, others, and the natural world."

- Aldous Huxley

Available in Colorado, USA



Creatives & Entertainers

Executives & Corporate Teams


What We Give

  • Performance & Optimization

    Enhanced Creativity, Expanded Consciousness, Increased Neuroplasticity, Improved Focus, Mindfullness & Heightened Sense of Presence.

  • Belonging & Intimacy

    Enhanced Empathy, Emotional Openness & Connection, Increased Trust & Communication, Deeper Self-Reflection & Introspection, Greater Vulnerability.

  • Health & Wellness

    Positive Effects on Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, Existential Distress & Addiction, Increased, Long Lasting Well-Being, Gain New Perspectives, Insights and Deep Understanding of Self.

  • Transcendance

    Profound and Transformative Experiences, Unity, Interconnectedness and Dissolution of Self, New Realms of Experience & Thought, Connection to Nature & The Universe.

Start your journey


Start your journey ☽☾